Additional mossy horn Products
Mossy Horn Bourbon
About the Brand
Our brand is a blend of two single barrel Straight Bourbon Whiskies.
One barrel was aged for 3 years and the other for 4 years.
The blend is made up of 10% rye and 24% Malted Barley and 66% corn, giving it a full body with a creamy overtone on the top and front side of the pallet.
It’s a very clean whiskey with no additives, flavoring, or sugars.
There is sweet corn and caramel notes on the nose.
On the back end, you’ll taste black pepper and licorice.
The finish is characterized by fine oak and cabinet spices, and it’s a clean finish overall.
Sweet corn and caramel notes on the nose
Smooth creamy top and front side
Black Peppers and Licorice on the back side
Finishes with fine oak and cabinet spices
Clean Finish
Mossy Horn Pecan
Semi sweet liqueur (6.5 of 10 on sweetness scale)
Bourbon base liqueur
Notes of butterscotch, honey, pecan and maple
Not overly powerful sweetness or boldness
Very balanced
Sweet pecan notes on the nose
Maple and Honey Aromas
Mossy Horn blended whiskey
About The Brand
Mossy Horn is an American Blended Whiskey Produced in Texas. It does not have a true designated mash bill or age. But the break down of grains used is 68% corn 22% rye and 10% malted barley.
Rich and medium body with a creamy mouthfill
Vanilla and butterscotch on the front side
Some spices with light cinnamon and nutmeg
Oakiness is present but not overpowering
Mossy Horn Butter Pecan Bourbon Creme
Released: December 2023
Creamy and smooth
Flavor of butter pecan
Ice cream and toffee
ABV: 17%
Additional notes: Not extremely thick bourbon crème
Very mellow with no kick from the alcohol
Extremely drinkable for all!
Mossy Horn Uncut/ Unfiltered Bourbon
Released: December 2024 (Second Batch)
Limited Release:
This product line is only released once a year with only one batch per year.
Buttery frontside
Very round peppers and cabinet spices on the backside
Additional notes of leather and maple surrounding the primary notes
Full Body Bourbon with lingering notes and amazing finish that leaves the pallet tingling and watery.
Distilled in Kentucky
ABV: ~58.2% (Cask Strength)
The Bourbon made for the strong!